Technologies have become inseparable from our daily lives and even businesses. They can boost business value, reshape and optimize critical processes, provide a competitive advantage, and even open up new growth opportunities with software development services.
Investing in digital transformation and technologies continues to grow and astound us with their size.
Many software clients want results quickly but need to learn how to cut development time without compromising project costs or code quality. As a result, in this post, we’d like to share our additional professional insight and most effective strategies for increasing development speed and producing high-quality software. So, with that said, let’s get started.
Factors that influence the speed of project creation :
Size and complexity of the project
It is a well-known fact that project complexity can impact the cost and speed of development—the more complicated your desired solution, the more resources and time it will require. Furthermore, detecting and correcting code errors and bugs in massive and feature-rich projects is frequently tricky.
When it comes to project complexity, there are several levels to consider. The most important ones are deadlines, requirements, technologies, roles, structure, and computational power.
There have been numerous changes to the project's scope
Every project has a defined scope of work, so the development process appears seamless. Even so, we know firsthand that specific stakeholders alter their minds on the fly and decide to add or remove project components, incorporate brand-new features, or address new user expectations.
Unfortunately, in most cases, this motivation and desire to enhance the project and make it more progressed than what is specified in the requirements lead to scope expansion and deadline shifts. Consequently, extra hours or weeks are required, increasing the development cost.
Team composition, as well as developer expertise
We always advise entrepreneurs and business owners to work with unified tech teams that include developers, QA engineers, designers, skilled business analysts, and project managers.
The truth is that the speed of software development is determined by the team’s experience, skills, and motivation. For example, developers who have worked on similar works will deliver excellent results much faster. In contrast, those who lack specific industry expertise may make mistakes that cause deadline shifts and principal project postponements.
It is also preferable to outsource project development to a consistent unit because if one developer becomes ill or cannot continue working for any reason, another specialist can replace him and continue coding. As a result, you will prevent project downtime and save money and nerves.
Furthermore, most specialists in development teams like Qode Maker have been working together for years, so you won’t need to make any extra efforts to establish greater collaboration, communication, or organizational knowledge transfer between professionals.
Interaction between two teams
When using team extension services, business owners may experience delays during the development process. They typically have their own CTO, several software developers, and project managers on their team, as well as some additional technicians, to fill in skill or experience gaps.
Both software development teams work on the same project and can be managed by a specialist from either the product owner’s or the vendor’s side. In any case, it is essential to establish clear communication among all team members and ensure everyone is on the page.
Otherwise, you may be charged extra for unpaid overtime, ineffective onboarding, and low productivity levels, which can result in missed deadlines and low-quality end projects. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, we recommend that you thoroughly plan all meetings, training sessions, daily calls, and so on and that both in and hired developers are equally involved in the development phase.
Code quality has been compromised
High-quality code is critical when developing software. However, only a team with high standards and reasonable deadlines can deliver it. If the project scope changes and the deadlines become tighter, you will most likely notice that the quality of your project suffers from meeting the deadline.
Focus on quality software development by not skipping testing, rewriting code parts if necessary, or even attempting to remove some features from previous releases to enact them later when the central aspect set is stable and ready.
How to Accelerate the Software Development Process
Now that you know all of the factors and risks associated with custom development, it is time to talk about how to speed up software development speed correctly.
Some of the strategies we’re about to mention are ones we employ when working on client projects. So we can confidently state that those strategies and approaches have been tested and proven effective for faster software development.
Following our advice can improve communication with your team, set clear goals and deadlines, and achieve powerful results faster than you anticipated.
Be aware of thorough planning
We always tell our clients that meticulous planning is the key to success. So, before working on a software development project, spend some time planning.
Most of the time, planning implies the discovery stage because you might have too many ideas, presumptions, and theories about your order to solve the issues that are contradictory or impossible to turn into reality. The discovery stage will assist you in structuring all ideas, determining whether they are technologically possible, and determining what must become your primary concern.
Establish clear end goals, requirements, and a roadmap
The accomplishment of the development process is heavily dependent on having clear end goals. The project’s vision can change, but the end goals should stay the same. While the team will assist you in defining project requirements and selecting third-party integrations, you, as a product owner, should be clear about why and for whom you are building your project.
Clients can become so overwhelmed with the development that they want to add more and more features, technologies, integrations, and elements throughout the process. And, while project requirements and scope of work can be changed, you need a more enthusiastic but disorganized approach to accelerate software development.
Conversely, changing the roadmap and prioritizing features will present you with even more challenges. You need a well-defined scope of work so that if there are any minor or significant changes, you can go back and review it and plan your next sprints and steps. Only then, step by step, implement new options without significantly increasing the duration and expense of your project.
Choose a team that is cohesive and balanced
This is the most crucial suggestion: pick your development team wisely. Do not sign any contracts with the first team you find on the internet; instead, visit the websites of several vendors, review their portfolios and expertise, speak with the managers, and see if they are easy to communicate with and share your values.
Working with a cohesive team, such as Qode Maker, is always preferable to save time. The problem is that we will be responsible for the entire recruitment process. Our technical leads will choose the best developers for your project based on the required skills and technology stack. They are aware of each team member’s capabilities. As a result, you will undoubtedly receive competent specialists.
Furthermore, with a balanced team, you can be confident that they have well-established processes, talk frequently, and can keep an eye on each other in case of an emergency or otherwise. As a result, the development speed of your entire project will be unaffected by internal factors, and all risks will be reduced.
Effective software development strategies of Qode Maker
Qode Maker has been providing high-quality software development services for over 13 years. We worked on projects for various businesses and startups, gaining extensive knowledge that enabled us to speed up software development and time to market quickly.
Our team prioritizes quality and delves deeply into each type of business to deliver software that meets all of the product owner’s and target audience’s needs. Qode Maker can create the software from scratch, modernize an existing solution, or spruce it up with emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies, and stunning design.
Like any other reputable software development firm, we employ the most effective strategies to expedite project completion. Let us now take a closer look at them. The Discovery stage is the first and most important.
This is a critical pre-development stage in which we investigate the market, write technical documentation, approximate the project, and develop its roadmap. With these deliverables in hand, you can move ahead with seamless development because everything has been in order and described for a long time.
Regarding quality assurance, we always use manual and automated testing to control code quality and test all functionality, system integration, and performance on various critical levels. If any issues are discovered, the developers conduct code reviews and changes as soon as possible to resolve them.
Because all bugs and anomalies are detected promptly, testing automation significantly increases development speed.
You can get high-quality services from Qode Maker’s team of business analysts, project managers, award-winning designers, top coders, and QAs. Because they’ve worked on many projects, they have some ready-made modules contributing to project speed. These modules can be tailored and enhanced with one-of-a-kind features to fit your specific business industry and meet immediate users’ expectations.